Friday, September 12, 2008

Keep Your Cap!

Hopefully, like you, I think I've finally gotten the hang of recycling at home. Every time I throw something away I am contstantly sorting the plastics, glass, papers, cans, cardboard, etc. but I'm always frustrated when I have to throw out the caps to the plastic bottles since they do not recycle them. Yes, that's right, they DO NOT recycle them, so stop throwing them in your bin! I found this article on by Sarah Irani that gives us one solution to the cap problem. If you're intersted in saving those caps from ending up in our oceans you can go to for more information or just bring them into your local aveda store.
Take Care, Stay Green
The Greenwitch

And why is it that we can’t recycle plastic caps? Any of us who sort and separate our plastics know that we have to remove the little buggers and throw them away. It’s because caps are made from a different kind of plastic that cannot be easily recycled. Thanks to Aveda, there’s a place for these caps can go.They’ve had a cap collecting program in place for months now and repurpose the caps into new packaging for their products. This is great considering most plastic caps end up in rivers and oceans; tiny colorful tidbits for animals to munch on and get very sick from.So round up your caps and take them to any Aveda store, or just mail them in if that’s more convenient. (You'll have to email them for an address on that).Yet another triumph for the zero-waster in all of us!

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