Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's been a while...

Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA for quite some time now, Christmas to be exact! I have been busy with other things, as we all are, and before you realize it, it's May 12th! I started a new business called Organized by Sarah which you can find on facebook or http://www.organizedbysarah.com/. I starting doing residential closet organization and am very excited to start my new venture, while continuing with my job at Quester Gallery and hopefully putting up more greenwitch posts as well!

I am really excited to announce that in July, my town of Norwalk, CT will be accepting plastics with the recycling numbers 1-7 now! Yes, that does excite me. Right now they only take numbers 1-3. I always cringe when I have to throw away yogurt containers, chinese food containers, deli containers, and other plastics that they won't accept. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just flip over any plastic container and you will see the small triangle shaped recycle symbol with a number inside of it. Most towns will accept certain numbers, usually 1-3 because they are a certain type of plastic that has the plants in place to recycle them. Can't wait for July, my Stonyfield Farms Organic yogurt is going to be that much sweeter when I don't have to toss the container in the trash anymore!

I was actually inspired to write on here today not just to catch up, but to tell you all about a new product I found that I like. If you are a chocolate and coconut fan then this one is for you. It's Kashi's TLC Dark Chocolate Coconut Fruit & Grain Bar. It's actually really tasty and the chocolate is thick and gooey, yum! It has 4 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 120 calories, and only 7 grams of sugar, which is really good for a granola bar that still tastes good. It does have soy and nut products so be careful if you have allergies. It's a great breakfast if you're on the go or a snack when you are craving something sweet and salty or just some chocolate. No, they don't pay me to say these things, I just like spreading the word on things that I believe in.

I Hope you find yourselves enjoying the warmer weather and getting outside when you can. I planted bushes, plants, and flowers this weekend at my house and it felt good to get my hands in the dirt with the worms! Still haven't cleaned up the track of mud I left in the hall, but that's OK!

Take Care, Stay Green

The Greenwitch